Now Offering BOTOX® Injections
When your years catch up with you
Look, getting older happens. We will all get wrinkles. However, if you feel that you have more wrinkles than you should, then you can do something about it. If you would like to look younger either for your career or your relationship, then you should know about possible solutions that work.
Look years younger in days!
The good news is that you can begin to remove those fine lines and wrinkles during your lunchtime. We specialize in FDA approved neurotoxin injectable treatment that can fix those “trouble spots” on your face. The result is that you will naturally look years younger.
We offer fast, effective and popular BOTOX® treatment
According to a survey from Real Self, 96% of injectable users would recommend the procedure. That’s because injectables are fast, simple, and show real results that last.
Make Your Wrinkles a Thing of the Past
Want to look younger fast? Our FDA approved injectable treatments can give you the young, smooth, and vibrant face that takes years off your appearance.
What areas can our treatment effect?
With our injectable treatments, we can help address the following concerns on your upper face:
- Crow’s Feet
- Furrows Between the Brows
- Forehead Lines
Before and After BOTOX® Treatment
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How does BOTOX® treatment work?
The procedure involves injections to the areas of concern on your face. This injectable of a muscle relaxer that will temporarily paralyze the muscle and reduce and eliminate the appearance of facial wrinkles. This Injectable treatment has been approved by the FDA and has been performed over 8 million times a year around the country. This procedure can take anywhere from just 25 to 45 minutes. There is no downtime nor recovery time needed and the process is done in our clinic. In fact, you can have your treatment done over your lunchtime.
How much of the treatment is used?
BOTOX® Injectable treatments are measured in units. Typically, about eight to 20 units are used in the forehead. Similar amounts can be used in the crow’s feet or furrows between the brows. Overall, one treatment of the upper face can use about 30-60 units.
How fast will I start seeing results?
BOTOX® treatments take anywhere from two to four days to relax the target muscle. You should see the complete results in about two weeks. From there, the results usually last about three months.
How often will I require treatments?
Since the results of your treatments will last about three months, you only need to get four treatments per year to maintain your youthful and happy face. Since each appointment lasts less than 45 minutes, you will experience little downtime in your day. In fact, Botox injectables are one of the fastest ways to maintain a younger face.
Imagine yourself years younger!
Think about how you would feel if you looked five or ten years younger. Imagine being among your peers and having the most youthful and vibrant face. Think about the possibilities that a younger, fresher face can have for your career or your relationship. Wouldn’t it be great to meet someone you having seen in a while and have them say, “You look so young! You haven’t aged!” With our injectable treatment, this is all possible.
Read more tips to help get longer-lasting results from your BOTOX® treatment.
The affordable and fast way to look younger
With our injectable treatments, there is no need to “go under the knife” for plastic surgery and no need to deal with time-consuming treatments. Botox gives you a fast, affordable, and proven way to get the face that you have always wanted.
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Contact us today for a free consultation
We are sure that you have a number of questions about Botox injectable treatments. We will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have. Please contact us today. We can have a specialist show you all the amazing benefits that our injectable treatments have to offer.
Don’t let another day pass
Why spend another day with a wrinkle that you don’t want? You deserve to have the face that you have always wanted. If you continue to wait, those wrinkles will continue to grow. Now is the chance to do something about it. Our experienced team is ready to turn back the clock.
Get your younger face today
Get the young face you want with simple 25 to 45-minute treatments. See results in days that will last for months. Don’t delay and allow those wrinkles to steal years from your appearance. Contact us today for the fresh face that you deserve.