Muscular man with a syringe in his hand and testosterone formula.

Testosterone Hormone Therapy: Exploring Benefits and Risks

TRT can also be beneficial in treating some of the symptoms associated with aging, such as fatigue and depression. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment used to restore testosterone levels in men who are suffering from hypogonadism, or low testosterone. It has been shown to be effective for men that have decreased muscle mass, erectile dysfunction, and other symptoms of low testosterone.

What’s a Normal Testosterone Level?

Testosterone is a hormone that plays an important role in regulating the body’s reproductive and sexual development. Men normally have between 300-1000 ng/dL of testosterone circulating in their blood at any given time. For comparison, women typically have between 20 to 80 ng/dL of testosterone. 

Low T

Testosterone deficiency can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging, medications, and lifestyle habits. TRT is used to bring testosterone levels back up to normal and restore normal functioning of the body’s hormones.

Age related low testosterone, also known as andropause, is the most common cause of low testosterone. Testosterone therapy can help restore the body’s balance of hormones and decrease symptoms related to aging. It can also improve muscle mass, libido, erectile dysfunction, energy levels, mood and even lessen the risk of depression.

Fewer spontaneous erections, reduced semen production, sperm production, and increased fatigue are all symptoms of low testosterone.

Testosterone production tends to decline with age. Why this happens isn’t fully understood yet, but there are a few theories. One is that as men age their hypothalamus and pituitary glands become less responsive to signals for testosterone production. Another theory suggests that some lifestyle choices such as smoking, excess alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise can contribute to the decline in testosterone levels. 

Bone density is also an important factor to consider when deciding whether TRT is right for you. Low testosterone levels can cause a decrease in bone density, making men more prone to developing osteoporosis and other bone-related issues. Therefore, if you have low T and are concerned about your bone health, it is important to speak with your doctor about starting testosterone therapy.

Testosterone Levels

It is important for men considering TRT to get their testosterone levels tested beforehand, since testosterone replacement therapy will not be effective if there is no deficiency. The treatment should also only be sought out with a doctor’s guidance and supervision in order to ensure that the right dosage is being taken and monitored over time.

Low T can have a wide range of symptoms, such as low libido, reduced muscle strength and size, increased body fat, fatigue, depression, difficulty concentrating or remembering things, irritability and more. If you are suffering from multiple of these symptoms and believe your testosterone levels may be too low, speak to your doctor about testing and the potential benefits of testosterone therapy. 


Measuring sex hormone binding globulin, bioavailable testosterone, complete blood count, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and prolactin is also important in order to determine the right dose of testosterone replacement therapy as well as its effectiveness. With the help of these tests and close monitoring by a healthcare professional, men can make sure they are getting all the health benefits associated with TRT.

In addition to regular medical check-ups, there are also certain lifestyle changes that can help increase testosterone levels naturally. Eating a healthy diet with plenty of protein and complex carbohydrates is important for maintaining hormone balance and overall health. Getting at least seven hours of sleep each night is also essential, as it helps the body to produce more testosterone while sleeping. Exercise has also been shown to boost testosterone, so it is important for men considering TRT to incorporate an exercise regimen into their daily routine. 

Testosterone Therapy 

A great way for men over the age of 50 to restore their body’s balance of testosterone and reap the many potential health benefits that come along with it. With proper monitoring and guidance, men can enjoy improved energy levels, muscle mass, sexual function, cognitive function, moods, libido and overall quality of life. 

What Should Be Monitored

It is important to regularly monitor your testosterone levels, as well as other hormones in the body, during TRT. Additionally, it is important to keep a close watch on any changes you may be feeling and report them to your doctor. Blood tests should also be taken regularly to ensure that all hormone levels stay within normal ranges. 

Fasting blood glucose levels, lipid profiles, prostate-specific antigen tests (PSA Tests), and other lab tests should also be done regularly to make sure your body is staying healthy while on testosterone therapy. With regular monitoring and guidance from a healthcare professional, you can ensure that all of the potential benefits of TRT are being maximized.

Bone mineral density tests should also be done regularly to monitor any changes in bone mass. Lastly, it is important to maintain regular physical activities such as walking or jogging, as this helps improve overall health and can help maximize the effects of TRT. 

Bioavailable testosterone 

This is an important form of testosterone for men, as it is the “bioactive” form that is used by cells around the body. It can be affected by a variety of factors including age, lifestyle and health conditions. By restoring balance in the body through testosterone replacement therapy, men may be able to reap all the potential physical and mental health benefits that come with restoring their body’s natural balance

Red blood cell count is another important factor to monitor while on testosterone therapy. If your red blood cell count rises too high, it can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. Your doctor will be able to monitor your red blood cell count with regular check-ups and laboratory tests in order to make sure that levels remain within a safe range.

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)

This is something that can happen in men with low testosterone levels. These symptoms can include urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia and weak stream. Testosterone replacement therapy can help reduce LUTS by decreasing or eliminating these symptoms in men who suffer from them. 

Risk of Testosterone Treatment

Testosterone therapy can carry certain risks, such as the potential for blood clots and while it is a common thought there is increased risk of prostate cancer, recent research has seemed to debunk this idea. It is important to talk with your doctor about any concerns or questions you may have before starting testosterone treatment. Regular check-ups and medical tests are necessary while taking testosterone in order to ensure that levels remain within a healthy range.

High risk patients should not take testosterone, and those who are taking other medications should speak with their doctor about potential risks or side effects. Additionally, men over the age of 65 should discuss the appropriate dosage for them as lower doses may be more beneficial. 

Effect of TRT on BPH

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is another potential side effect of testosterone therapy, though this is more common in older men. BPH can cause urinary symptoms such as difficulty urinating or increased frequency of urination, so it’s important to keep an eye out for these signs while taking testosterone replacement therapy. 

Prostate Cancer

In addition to regular check-ups and monitoring of hormone levels, it is also important for men taking testosterone replacement therapy to get regular prostate cancer screenings. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men in the United States, so it is especially important to make sure that any potential risks are monitored closely. Talk with your doctor about getting the necessary screenings to reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer. 

Prostate Cancer Risk

This can be reduced by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and limiting the consumption of alcohol are all important for reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Additionally, it is important to stay up-to-date on any vaccinations or other preventive measures your doctor recommends. 

By taking the necessary steps and speaking with a doctor about proper treatment options, men can reduce their risk of prostate cancer and maximize the potential benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. With regular check-ups and guidance, men can make sure to preserve their health while reaping all of the potential benefits that come along with TRT. 

High Prostate-Specific Antigen Levels

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests are used to detect changes in the prostate gland, including signs of cancer. While on testosterone replacement therapy, men should monitor their PSA levels and speak with their doctor about any changes or irregularities that occur. High PSA levels can often be an indication of prostate cancer or other issues with the prostate, so it is important to keep an eye out for any changes and speak with your doctor if anything seems off. 

Bone Health

Testosterone also has a number of benefits for bone health, including increased bone mineral density and improved physical strength and balance. Regular monitoring of your PSA levels is important in order to make sure testosterone levels remain within a safe range, as too much or too little can have an adverse effect on bone health. Additionally, men should work to increase their intake of calcium and vitamin D in order to strengthen their bones and reduce the risk of fractures or other bone-related injuries. 

The Effects on Breast Tissue

For men taking testosterone replacement therapy, it is important to be aware of any changes that may occur in the breast tissue. These changes can include an increase in size and tenderness of the nipple or a feeling of fullness in the chest area. It is crucial to keep your doctor informed if you experience any of these symptoms, as they may be signs of a tumor or breast cancer. 

In addition to regular check-ups and monitoring for any changes, it is important to take care of your body in other ways. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables can help to keep the body healthy and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Additionally, exercise helps to maintain muscle mass, which can also help to minimize the effects of testosterone

Relationship Between OSA and TRT

Another potential risk of testosterone replacement therapy is the relationship between Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and TRT. OSA can be caused by a narrowing of the airways due to an increase in tissue mass in the throat, which can lead to difficulty breathing or snoring while sleeping. 

Individuals on testosterone therapy should assess their daily habits, particularly their weight and sleep patterns, to identify potential links to the risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). There’s a concern that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) might exacerbate OSA symptoms, making it crucial for those undergoing the treatment to be vigilant about factors that could increase their susceptibility to this sleep disorder.

Men should talk with their doctor if they experience symptoms of OSA such as snoring, difficulty breathing during sleep, or excessive daytime fatigue. 

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The potential benefits of testosterone replacement therapy can be life-altering and include improved energy levels, muscle mass, sexual function, cognitive function, moods, libido and overall quality of life. By restoring balance in the body, TRT could be just what you need to get back to feeling like yourself again. 

Low T therapy can also be beneficial for men with diabetes. Research has shown that TRT can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce abdominal fat, and lower blood sugar.

In addition to treating medical conditions, testosterone replacement therapy can provide a number of other benefits as well. It may help increase energy levels and libido, improve cognitive function, reduce body fat and boost muscle mass, and improve mood. 

Testosterone replacement therapy can also help keep bones strong and healthy. Low T has been linked to decreased bone density, so TRT may be beneficial for men at risk of developing osteoporosis or other bone-related conditions. 

Erectile dysfunction 

This is one of the most well-known side effects associated with low testosterone levels. Men who are suffering from this condition can find relief through testosterone replacement therapy, as it has been proven to be an effective treatment for this issue. By restoring balance in the body and by having regular check-ups with a physician, men can make sure that they are receiving all of the potential health benefits that TRT has to offer. 

Bone density 

Another benefit of testosterone replacement therapy, as it has been shown to increase bone mass in men who suffer from osteoporosis. As a result, men may be able to reduce their risk of fractures and other bone-related injuries. Regular check-ups with a physician can ensure that hormone levels remain within normal ranges and maximize the potential benefits that TRT has to offer. 

Body Hair

Body hair growth is another common side effect of testosterone replacement therapy. Hair growth can occur on the face, back, chest and other body parts. While this may be seen as a positive to some, it is important to keep in mind that these effects will not stop once treatment has been stopped – any hair that has grown because of TRT cannot be reversed.

Testosterone Treatment

Testosterone injections, patches, gels and pellets have all been proven to be effective treatments for low testosterone levels. However, it is important to discuss any potential side effects with your doctor before beginning treatment.

Testosterone injections 

These work by delivering a controlled dose of the hormone directly into the muscle. These injections can be administered from often as twice per week to every two to three weeks to ensure that the body is receiving enough testosterone to maintain normal levels.

Testosterone patches 

Patches are also available and are placed on the skin, usually on the upper arm or buttocks, for 12-24 hours at a time. While this method is more convenient than injections, some people may experience skin irritation at the site of the patch.

Gels and creams

Are another option which are commonly applied daily to the chest, arms or stomach. These treatments have also been proven to be effective in restoring testosterone levels back to normal. 

Testosterone pellets

Yet another option, which involves having tiny pellets placed under the skin and provide a steady release of testosterone for up to six months. This treatment is typically reserved for men with severe cases of low T and requires minor surgical procedures to implant the pellets into the body. 

It is important to remember that any method used in testosterone replacement therapy can have side effects such as headaches, nausea, changes in mood and sleep disturbances. It is important to talk with your doctor about any of these side effects and watch for any signs or symptoms that may arise. 

No matter which option you choose, it’s important to discuss all potential risks and side effects with your doctor before beginning treatment. Testosterone replacement therapy is a safe and effective way to treat low testosterone symptoms, but it should only be done under medical supervision.

How Much Does TRT Cost

Testosterone replacement therapy is a personalized treatment program, and the cost will depend on your individual needs. The exact cost can vary significantly depending on the type of TRT you choose and the duration of your treatment plan. Generally speaking, it can cost anywhere from $50 to $400 per month depending on the method use. 

In addition to the cost of testosterone replacement therapy, you may also be responsible for additional costs such as lab tests and office visits. It is important to discuss all potential costs with your doctor before beginning treatment. 

Does Insurance Cover TRT

The cost of testosterone replacement therapy can vary depending on the type of treatment being used and insurance coverage. While some forms of TRT may be covered by insurance, it is important to contact your healthcare provider to find out what treatments are covered. Additionally, talking with a doctor about any issues or concerns you have regarding the treatment before beginning will help ensure that you get all the potential physical and mental health benefits of TRT. 

What Are Other Benefits of TRT?

The benefits of testosterone therapy are not limited to men over the age of 50. Younger men who suffer from low testosterone levels due to injury or illness may also benefit from TRT, as it can help restore their natural testosterone balance. Testosterone replacement therapy can also help men who are dealing with the side effects of anabolic steroid use, as it can help restore testosterone levels to normal. 

In addition to restoring a healthy testosterone balance, testosterone therapy can also provide many other health benefits. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by promoting healthy blood circulation in the body, as well as improve bone density and decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Testosterone replacement therapy has also been linked to improved moods, reduced depression, increased libido, and improved cognitive function.

In addition to these health benefits, TRT can be beneficial for men who have difficulty developing or maintaining relationships due to low testosterone levels. By restoring the body’s natural balance of testosterone, it can improve communication between partners and lead to a healthier relationship. 

Finally, testosterone therapy can help increase energy levels and reduce fatigue, allowing men to be more productive and engaged throughout the day. This increased energy can help improve a man’s overall quality of life, leading to improved confidence and self-esteem. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, while testosterone replacement therapy is not suitable for everyone, it can be an effective treatment for men who are suffering from hypogonadism or low testosterone levels. It is important to always consult a medical professional before starting any kind of testosterone therapy and to have your testosterone levels tested beforehand in order to ensure the most effective treatment. With proper guidance and supervision, testosterone treatments can help men restore their natural testosterone levels, resulting in improved energy, muscle mass, and sexual health.

Overall, testosterone replacement therapy can offer many benefits for men with low testosterone levels, including improved sex drive, muscle mass, and energy levels. It is important to consult your doctor before starting any kind of TRT and to have your testosterone levels tested beforehand. While there is an increased risk of prostate cancer associated with TRT, the benefits it can offer may be worth considering for men with low testosterone levels.

For more information about TRT or to determine if it is right for you, call us or contact your provider.