immune system boosters

Do THIS to Boost Your Immune System

The Coronavirus [COVID-19] has become a global epidemic and a concern for everyone. In fact, there are many experts who believe up to 50% of every human being on the planet will catch this viral disease before a vaccine is created. Whether that’s true or not remains to be seen.

The good news is that you can greatly increase your chances of not contracting COVID-19 or lessen the severity of illness by simply boosting your immunity. Follow these common-sense steps and you will give your body a fighting chance against the coronavirus.

1. Get a full night’s sleep

 woman sleepingThe first thing you will want to do is get a good night’s sleep. Chances are, you will have a lot of time to get some sleep if you are under quarantine. It is recommended that most people get seven to nine hours of sleep to allow your body to boost immunity. During sleep, your body releases proteins known as cytokines. These cytokines aid in cell communication in immune responses.

If you don’t get enough sleep, your body can experience the following side effects:

  • High blood pressure 
  • Diabetes
  • Heart failure
  • Stroke
  • Depression
  • Weight gain

Here are some tips that you can follow in order to get a full night’s sleep.

  • Sleep in a room completely devoid of light.
  • Avoid drinking water an hour before going to sleep.
  • Avoid looking at digital devices for about an hour before going to sleep.
  • Avoid eating processed food before going to sleep.

2. Get regular exercise

Another way to keep your body healthy and boost your immune system is to get some regular exercise. Physical activity is important especially for your respiratory system. When you move your body, bacteria are flushed out of your lungs and airways. In fact, exercise has been proven to reduce your chances of getting a cold, flu and other respiratory-related illnesses.

During quarantine, you will not be able to go to the gym. However, it is possible for you to get some exercise at home. Here are some home exercises that you can do right now.

  • Walking in place
  • Jumping jacks
  • Push-ups 
  • Squats
  • Sit-ups
  • Lifting weights

It is highly recommended that you concentrate on moderate cardio exercises that will raise your heart rate. You should aim to exercise three times a week for 20 minutes during each session. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before engaging in any exercise routine.

3. Avoiding inflammatory foods

dairy foodsThe biggest enemy to your immune system is inflammation. One of the biggest promoters of inflammation are certain foods that can weaken your body and make it vulnerable to the coronavirus. These inflammatory foods tend to be highly processed, full of added sugar and lack nutrition. Here are some of the most common inflammatory foods.

  • Milk
  • Cookies
  • Ice cream
  • Candy
  • Processed meat
  • Cheese

If you want to boost your immune system through diet, then you will want to consume anti-inflammatory foods. These foods tend to be nutrient-dense and not highly processed at all.

Here is a list of the top anti-inflammatory foods: 

  • Berries, including blueberries and strawberries
  • Fatty fish, including sardines and salmon
  • Nuts, including walnuts, peanuts, and almonds
  • Whole grains, including oats, brown rice, and millet
  • Vegetables, including broccoli, spinach, and onions
  • Seeds, including chia seeds and flax seeds

A great way to integrate many anti-inflammatory foods to your diet is to have a salad that combines many of these healthy foods. For instance, you can create a salad that has spinach, seeds, nuts, and salmon. Try to have at least one anti-inflammatory food with every meal.

4. Meditate to keep your mind strong during a quarantine

During a quarantine, you will not be able to leave your home except for visits to the grocery store, pharmacy, and the bank. This may cause lots of stress in your mind. After all, humans are social people and you are not used to having your travel restricted. One way to keep your mind strong is to engage in regular meditation.

Meditation is a simple mental exercise where you sit still, engage in deliberate breathing and try to allow thoughts to pass freely through your mind. It sounds simple. However, meditating can be difficult because our minds are always pre-occupied with holding on to certain thoughts and prolonged worry. Here are some tips that can allow you to meditate.

  • Sit or lie down comfortably on a chair, the floor or on a bed.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Breathe naturally.
  • Focus your attention on your breathing. Specifically, concentrate on the air going into your nose and out of your mouth.

You should aim to meditate at least once a day. Try to find some time to be alone and free of noise from the outside world. You may also want to lower the lights in your room during your meditation. Many people use candles to aid during meditation.

5. Take supplements to ensure your body gets all of its vitamins and minerals

woman drinking a vitaminOne of the most powerful ways to boost your immune system is to make sure you have all the nutrients that your body needs. These nutrients come in the form of vitamins and minerals. Below is a list of the most important vitamins that your body that immune system boost. 

  • Vitamin E – Vitamin E not only boosts the immune system, it can also help the body prevent coronary heart disease and promote eye health. You can find Vitamin E in almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and hazelnut.
  • Vitamin C – Vitamin C is used for the repair of damage to tissues. It is important to support various immune-related cellular functions. This vitamin is also critical in the production of collagen and the absorption of iron. Sources of Vitamin C include broccoli, green pepper, red pepper, spinach, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes. 
  • Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 is important in boosting your immune system, reducing depression, treating anemia and promoting brain health. Sources of B6 include pork, poultry, fish, fortified bread and fortified cereal. 
  • Vitamin B12 – With Vitamin B12, you can keep your blood and nerve cells healthy. It helps in building your white blood cells that fight infections. Sources of B12 include fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and fortified cereal.
  • Vitamin D – Vitamin D is important in the regulation of calcium and the maintenance of phosphorus levels. It also supports balanced immune function. In fact, those with a deficiency are more susceptible to infections. Sources of Vitamin D include fatty fish, fortified cereal, cheese, and egg yolks.
  • Vitamin A – Vitamin A is an important anti-inflammatory that helps in the protection of your eyes, your immune system, and supporting bone health. Sources of Vitamin A include eggs, fortified cereal, broccoli, spinach, and other dark green leafy vegetables.

Summing Things Up

If you want to give your body the perfect immune system boost, then you will want to get enough sleep, exercise, avoid inflammatory foods, meditate and get the right vitamins and minerals in your body. Each of these steps should be easy for you to follow.

According to the latest experts, the Coronavirus epidemic is expected to last anywhere from 12 to 18 months. That means you will have to protect your immune system over that period of time. Chances are you’ll know someone that has gotten the Coronavirus before this is over. However, with a strong immune system, you will be able to help protect your body from this viral disease.